
Subheadlines misleading about pastor

I have never attended nor do I agree with some of Willow Creek's Bible doctrines and practices, but I do have to defend Pastor Hybels against your April 11 front page subheads, which are misleading in that they make it appear he is guilty (when, in fact, extensive internal and external investigations point to his innocence).

(1) "I feel the need to search deep inside myself." Hmmm, because he feels guilty? No! Because (buried on Page 8) of the need to " ... determine what God wants to teach me through all of this."

(2) " ... founder apologizes ..." Hmmm, because he's admitting guilt? No! Because (again, on Page 8) he was "feeling angry the past few weeks as I watched harmful accusations fly around without any accountability. I felt attacked.'"

The Herald's misleading sub-headlines took Pastor Hybels comments completely out of context and were therefore deceptive as well, leading the reader to think "guilty" at the outset, when his actual comments imply no such thing.

Daily Herald, you are the ones who need to apologize.

Kenneth L. Anderson

St. Charles

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