
Voters were betrayed

Sadly the Daily Herald's endorsement of Bruce Rauner as the Republican candidate for governor illustrates how disconnected the Daily Herald is from its remaining Republican/conservative readers. Gov. Rauner is simply unacceptable to true Republicans because he betrayed at least three core values of those Republicans as governor.

First, he broke a critical promise that he would not allow taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions. Thanks to Rauner breaking his promise, the tax dollars conservative Illinois Republicans pay are now used to commit what they consider is a cardinal sin, aborting babies.

Second, Gov. Rauner destroyed the rule of law and our sovereignty by making Illinois a sanctuary state that harbors and protects the illegal immigrants that cost Illinois taxpayers over $3 billion a year in free medical care, free schooling, and other "free stuff" which is helping to bankrupt our state and take limited resources away from American citizens.

Finally Gov. Rauner put our children at risk by allowing "transgender" boys to use our girl's bathrooms or showers at school because they label themselves as girls.

These are just three of the reasons that National Review, a conservative magazine, named Rauner the worst Republican governor in America. No Republican with conservative values can vote for Rauner in the primary.

For conservatives with values, it is a slam dunk for Representative Jeanne Ives who has the courage to stand up for our values and fight the noble fight. The real dilemma will be if Rauner wins the primary and it's a choice between Rauner and Democrats Pritzker or Kennedy. Talk about choosing the lesser of two evils.

Randy Rossi


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