
We have to do better

The recent horrific shooting at another of our schools and the taking of 17 lives, predictably raises public discourse about gun control and Second Amendment rights. The right to own a firearm should go beyond simply the Second Amendment. It should carry with it the verifiable obligation to responsibly use such a weapon; not just simply have a FOID card and a wallet full of money to buy a gun. It should carry with it training in how to use the gun, periodic health reviews and any other public and verifiable information giving a clue to a person's ability to be a responsible owner of an item that can kill 17 people in a matter of minutes.

Yes, it also requires the exercise of some moral judgments. I am aware of a case where a young man legally obtained a FOID card and then purchased a gun. As a consequence of a wellness check, the gun was taken away by police, he was admitted to a psychiatric facility for observation and he lost his FOID card. While still in the hospital, a deputy sheriff and family member retrieved the hand gun from the police for safe keeping. The gun was returned to him. He then used it to commit suicide.

Yes, we need common-sense gun control laws and to rigorously enforce them. And, yes, we need to also exercise good moral judgment. It is unacceptable on any level to provide a gun to someone who has been in psychiatric facilities on multiple occasions and deemed a risk to himself and perhaps others. I am appalled by those who ignore their moral and legal responsibilities. Let's do the right thing now when it comes to gun control.

Fred Scheu

Lake Zurich

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