
NRA and its minions complicit in carnage

Let's be frank. The leadership of the NRA - not its membership - facilitate the slaughter of our citizens. Although originally founded on sound principles of gun safety and education, its leaders have bastardized the NRA's agenda so it has now devolved into a lobbying front to generate income for its donor gun manufacturers. The leadership zealously opposes any effort to stop the bloodbath in our streets and schools.

Employing the false fear of gun confiscation and an insane and absolutist view of the Second Amendment, they buy politicians in order to prevent the passage of reasonable gun regulations such as universal background checks, banning weapons of warfare and closing gun-show loopholes.

Their minions and co-conspirators are the feeble members of Congress led by a POTUS who, himself, received significant funds from the NRA to gain his position. If JFK were alive today, he could write a book, Profiles in Cowardice and Avarice.

We, the American people, need to rise up with our voices and with our votes. Regardless of political party, we must toss out those who value guns and dollars over human life. The basic function of government is to protect its people - not to make them easy targets. It's time to throw out those cowards who aid and abet the carnage of the innocent. The electorate is much more powerful than the purveyors of fear and their minions.

John F. "Jack" Donahue


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