
Candidate's ad is accurate

I agree: Jeanne Ives' ad was audacious and critical. However, as many wise people say, "the truth hurts."

Rauner signed a bill allowing people to change their gender on their birth certificate; regardless, it is illegal for public establishments to require legal gender identification for bathroom use in the first place.

Rauner signed a law barring authorities from detaining illegal immigrants without a warrant. They are incontrovertibly guilty of a crime, but they cannot be detained like any other guilty criminal. Whether the immigrant is dangerous or not, the government has a responsibility to serve the American people. If you did not faithfully go through the process of becoming American, you do not magically receive access to American opportunity and rights.

Rauner is funneling Illinois family money to others' choice abortion procedures - no elaboration even needed.

A black actress portrays a rep for the Chicago Teachers' Union. The leader of CTU herself is black and Chicago is known for its cultural diversity.

The transgender portrayal was a biological man with a feminine presentation. None of this is racist, sexist, or at all discriminatory: it is representative. All of these things are blatant truths, and facts do not care about feelings. In actuality, it is the viewer that takes offense.

The implications of Rauner's actions could have been relayed more eloquently: If I made a commercial using the same information, all that I would have to do to make it more persuasive (and less "offensive") is change the tone of voice and visual representation. This information- the portrayal aside- is irrevocable.

If you take offense to truth, you will have a hard time living a happy life. Instead of crying wolf about everything, it's time that progressives realize they are terrified of wolves of their own imagination.

Gianna Sabatino


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