
GOP has abandoned its civil rights legacy

I read with interest Walter Williams column from the Wednesday, June 7, edition. His title "Democrats have long political history of hoodwinking blacks" is totally factual but his conclusions are wrong because he isn't taking into account the last 60 plus years.

In 1948 the Democrats, led by Hubert Humphrey, inserted a civil rights plank in their platform.

Strom Thurmond led the "Dixiecrats" out in protest, and he became a Republican.

Lyndon Johnson, pushing for the Civil Rights act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, knew that he had lost the solid Democratic south but he did what was right.

In 1968 George Wallace, as an independent candidate carried five southern states and received almost 10 million votes. By 1972 with Nixon's Southern strategy, the transformation was complete. The majority of white southerners who were Democrats became Republicans.

The modern Democratic Party, from the mid-60s became the party of civil rights.

What party now is using gerrymandering and working to suppress minority voting?

It is sad that the party of Lincoln has abandoned its legacy in fighting for minorities.

Michael Weiser


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