
The Soapbox: Nostalgic nights in West Chicago and McHenry, showtime in Schaumburg and more.

Ah, summer nights and the drive-in

Nostalgic sentimentalists that we are, let us welcome back West Chicago's Cascade Drive-in and the McHenry Outdoor Theater for another season. The last remaining drive-ins in the suburbs, these are precious gems and we need to patronize them to keep them.

Schaumburg showtime

Schaumburg village officials are taking the next step in their effort to build a performing arts center with a healthy risk/reward prospect. The reward would be successfully attracting more visitors and businesses to the village. The risk is in competing with the powerful companies that now control the Chicago theater market. Let's hope there's room for all.

Panhandler ban

Schaumburg leaders were insightful when they paired a village ban on roadside panhandlers with social service resources for those who are in need. Don't forget, donations to worthwhile local programs are a way to help those who are homeless or impoverished.

Gone, not forgotten

In that vein, the Libertyville High School Class of 1986 made a moving statement after one of their own, Jack Thomas, died in January. An extraordinary monthlong effort to memorialize Thomas reached a fitting end this week when a headstone featuring the homeless man aboard his familiar bike was placed at his gravesite.

Elgin gun range I

After the Elgin City Council approved a gun range, three across-the-street neighbors began contemplating moving - one, Elgin Area School District U-46, announcing it definitely will leave next year. The complaints prompted the neighbors' landlord to threaten to open a competing gun range if his tenants all leave. Interesting, but not reassuring.

Elgin gun range II

The tenants say they weren't exactly given a voice in the matter. Yes, there were earlier hearings, but they say they should have been contacted for the final vote. U-46 CEO Tony Sanders assumed the issue died when the district objected earlier "To me, common sense says you don't put a gun range or a gun store 100 feet from a full-fledged school." Logical.

Elgin gun range III

And the lesson? Mayor David Kaptain said the city should be "more sensitive, more alert" and reach out better when hot button issues come before the city. That, said Teresa Forthofer, CEO of tenant Easter Seals, would be helpful. "We just wanted to be able to have a voice. And I don't mean three minutes at a council meeting." It's only reasonable.

Praise for doctors

A dozen or so physicians from Edward-Elmhurst Health recently returned from a trip to Lebanon, where they worked with a team of about 40 doctors to care for refugees who have fled the civil war in Syria. Many of the doctors plan to go back to that strife-torn region in the fall. They all deserve a sincere thank you.

He's a good Joe

While it's impressive that Joe Maddon recorded his 1,000th win as a baseball manager this week, what's more impressive is how the Cubs skipper chose to celebrate it - by donating 1,000 meals to the Salvation Army in Chicago and another 1,000 to a place in St. Petersburg, Florida. In our book, that's a big win for humanity.

Reunion run for fun and more

Vernon Hills teacher and coach Colin Mason started Reunion Runs last year in which participants gather with old classmates for fellowship and a 5K run. This year's event is June 17 in Arlington Heights. Much of the proceeds go back to school district foundations helping low-income students. A noble gesture, for sure.

Thanks to our police

Today ends National Police Week. Let's use it to remember and give thanks for all those who serve and protect.

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