
Put away egos and fix health care

The primary reason Republicans and Democrats cannot work together on one health care bill is too many egos. Rather than the Republican approach of "repeal and replace," why not bend a little and call it "retool and repurpose." Maybe some of the egos on the left or right would not get their feathers all ruffled and be willing to work together. Heck, even if you still called it Obamacare. So, put away your egos and fix the health care plan. Call it whatever you would like to call it, Obamacare II or The American Healthcare Plan.

Everyone knows the current plan is imploding, so you would hope 100 senators could come up with a solution that the majority could live with rather than thinking of sound bites that promote fear and anxiety. Stop campaigning and do the job we elected you to do.

James C. Bellinger

South Barrington

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