
Killing remnant of deliberative government

In your April 11 "Our View" opinion, you call out Senators Durbin and Duckworth as being complicit in the loss of the filibuster option for Supreme Court nominees.

While both parties contributed to this happening, Democrats two years ago and Republicans this year, no action of any senator, save Senator McConnell, could have prevented its final demise.

The instant Senator McConnell threatened to change the rules if the rules were followed, all was lost. If senators backed down from their conscience this time to save the filibuster, the threat could be used again, and again. The filibuster option would effectively be gone.

Senator McConnell has repeatedly put party politics above the country's interests and removed the last remnant of deliberative government. Talking, listening, negotiating, and compromising are all obsolete … and we're all the worse for it.

Jay Mitchell


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