
Bill Barnabee: Candidate Profile

Woodland District 50 School Board

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Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioQA Bio City: GurneeWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Twitter: Candidate did not respond.Facebook: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: Woodland District 50 School Board Age: 48Family: Elissa (wife)Nicholas (son)Shana (daughter)Occupation: SupervisorEducation: Candidate did not respond.Civic involvement: Candidate did not respond.Elected offices held: Candidate did not respond.Questions Answers School finances seem to be a problem. What do you see as the main cause of financial difficulties and what solutions would you offer if elected?School finances will always be a major concern for the community and the schools. As always, we need to be fiscally responsible - with a main focus to support the classroom. We need to offer the services for the students to help them achieve success. We need to cut down on expenses such as out of state workshops/reimbursements, meals, travel, and textbook expenses, consumables, paper, and contractual service costs (i.e.: bus leases, insurance vendor, cleaning contract, copier leases to name a few). I would like to see a place where all staff can order supplies - and the program orders from the lowest cost vendor and ships/bills directly. I would also like to see a company take over lower the costs for the Human Resources and Accounts Payable/Receivable Departments. Thereby lowering our costs to employ the staff in those departments (salary, and insurance costs).I want to focus on costs that can change - not on getting rid of teachers, support staff, and other needed services that directly affect the classroom. Our focus should be on the students - and what is in their best interest.As you know, state funding follows Woodland students whose parents elect to send them to Prairie Crossing Charter School in Grayslake - a longtime bone of contention. Do you see that as a problem? Please explain.I oppose the existence of a school that does not uphold the Illinois Charter Schools Law, which requires that charter schools place a special emphasis on increasing learning opportunities for at-risk students. They serve far fewer low-income and at-risk kids than Woodland. The demographic disparities, transportation and other policies make it difficult for low-income students to attend PCCS.With enrollment declining to 5,882 from 6,549 in 2012, per the state's report card, how to you view the district's staffing levels. Are there too many employees and what should be done? Please elaborate.I do believe that cuts need to be done - however, I believe that cuts should not affect the classroom! Our job is to support the students of the district in the best way possible educationally and financially!We have offered a variety of cuts that are on the table currently - within those I am encouraging that administrator cuts come now - at a large savings not only with salaries, but also with insurance and other benefit costs. We are currently looking at restructuring classrooms and buildings to meet the declining enrollment. I believe we will find cost saving solutions to fit the declining enrollment - but also not cut programs for all students.What budget issues will your district have to confront and what measures do you support to address them? If you believe cuts are necessary, what programs and expenses should be reduced or eliminated? On the income side, do you support any tax or fee increases?We are working with less money from the state and tax revenue. Cuts are always on the table to reduce our financial footprint to the community. We need to be aware of our demographics and support and address them head on!As for reductions, I would like to eliminate travel to out-of-state conferences, and educational reimbursements to staff and administrators for college advancement. I also see costs that can be reduced by out-sourcing two departments (HR Accounts Payable/Receivable), making a one-stop shop for purchasing for all district staff, cutting down on the contractual costs of our vendors - meaning food, insurance, cleaning, and bus leases. I also believe we need to have expenses watched more closely - meaning reimbursements to all staff and admin, departmental expenses, curriculum purchases, travel, meals, membership fees, credit card purchases, transfers of budgets, and the cost of supplies and consumables.I do not support tax increases, but feel some programs will have to have fee increases "â#128;œ but those should be limited in size.What role can and should school choice play in your district? If Congress or the state approves a voucher system or other means giving students broader choices among public and private schools, how will that affect your district? What is the appropriate response for the board of education of a public school system?I believe that public schools who face the greatest competition from school choice will show the largest academic gains. There are many studies out there that support this reality. I believe that Woodland can and will stand up to the challenge should this become a reality. Students can benefit from remaining in their neighborhood schools. Programs available fit the community and work together to support those families that live within. It is a win-win for all. At Woodland, programs such as Dual-Language, Gifted/Challenge in Math and Language Arts, Special Education support services, one-to-one technology (Grades 4 - 8), as well as exploration programs such as computer instruction, music, band, choir, art, after-school care, CATS, and even Girls On the Run are all programs that directly benefit students within our community.What other issues, if any, are important to you as a candidate for this office?Candidate did not respond.Please name one current leader who most inspires you.Bill Gates - for his role with his foundation on improving education.What is the biggest lesson you learned at home growing up?In order to succeed, an education is the foundation to achieving that goal.If life gave you one do-over, what would you spend it on?I tend to look forward, and not rehash the past - it can't be changed.What was your favorite subject in school and how did it help you in later life?Math - as hard as it was for me to understand, it has taught me perseverance in all aspects of my life.If you could give your children only one piece of advice, what would it be?Get an education, use it to your advantage, and set goals for yourself that make you work hard!