
Need to recogonize it's OK to disagree

Guest columnist Hafsa Mahmood is a Muslim who was born and raised in DuPage County. She was very scared for her children, other minorities, and our country when Trump was elected president because she was uncertain of what the future holds.

Mahmood was a big supporter of Obama and believes that no future president will ever "live up to his footprint."

Obama has definitely been one of the greatest presidents, and it's tough to accept that our next president will never be as down to earth as Obama was, but I strongly agree that it is important that we Americans stand together united no matter our race, gender, or religion. I believe if our country sticks together and respects one another and prevents any negativity or bullying toward minorities we will remain the greatest nation.

My family and I were Clinton supporters and it's definitely gonna take some time to give Trump a chance. No matter who our president is no one can make us change how we act toward each other. It is our job to make America the best that it can be and not let Trump take us a step back because many Americans who want to make our country a better place and continue to push our country forward and do greater things.

Hafsa Mahmood professed her love for all Americans because of the "sense of unity we have shared across our amazing country", but I couldn't disagree more with this statement. Our country is very divided and polarized. What we need more than ever is for our leaders to work together and respect opposite opinions and set an example for the citizens they represent.

Only then do I think the people of this country will respect one another and recognize that it's OK to disagree.

Sameera Bader

Glen Ellyn

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