
Always remember, you reap what you sow

"A man reaps what he sows."

- Galatians 5:7 (NIV)

My friend was given a clear demonstration of the principle of reaping and sowing. It occurred several years ago when she was outside eating tomatoes. When she finished, she threw the core filled with seeds into the vacant lot next door to her.

The following year her neighbor who owned the lot came to her door. She was carrying something in her hands to offer my friend.

"I found some tomatoes growing in my empty lot. I have no idea where they came from. Would you like a few?" she asked.

My friend stood in awe as she thought about the principle of sowing and reaping. Who would have ever thought that these seeds she carelessly threw last year would sprout up as tomatoes?

We have all experienced that popular saying, what goes around comes around. It's another way of expressing God's principle of sowing and reaping.

We need to think about the seeds we are planting that will come back to us. We plant a variety of them daily. Seeds such as kindness and encouragement better ourselves and others. Seeds of bitterness and jealousy poison our soul, causing us to be miserable. Seeds of diligence and perseverance for our health, finances, career, or relationships, when continually planted, can help us reap a blessing in these areas.

However, the opposing seeds of laziness and self-centeredness are sometimes carelessly tossed without thought, just as my friend tossed those tomatoes seeds into the field.

God is our grader, instructing us to watch what we plant and where we are planting. The choice is ours. It helps to remember that harvest time, the day when we get back what we give, will come.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413. Invite her to be your personal life coach or speak at your church group or event.

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