
A plethora of good reasons to vote

Early voting has now begun at the Kane County Clerk's Office, 719 S Batavia Ave, Bldg. B, Geneva.

So why vote? Because it is your voice. It is essential that all citizens register and vote because:

• When voters refuse to cast ballots in an election, fewer votes are required for a majority. So our future is decided by the smaller number of people - those feeling most strongly about the issues.

• Currently, less than 15% of Americans approve of the job that Congress is doing. Voting is our best chance to express our dissatisfaction. Many members of Congress are running in contested elections.

• Voting is our best way of affecting the quality of our future. Decisions made by those who are elected will affect our: National security; Appointments to the Supreme Court; Environment; Gun legislation; Social safety nets for seniors as well as medium and lower wage earners; Voting rights; Healthcare availability; Reproductive rights; Marriage equality; Campaign finance; Education; The arts; Immigration.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters."

Mary Kubasak

President, League of Women Voters, Illinois

Patti Lackman

Vice President,

League of Women Voters, Central Kane County

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