
Correction: Hesburgh-Stamp story

SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) - In a story Sept. 20 about the U.S. Postal Service plans to issue a stamp next year honoring the late Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, The Associated Press reported the wrong release date. It will be released Sept. 1, not May 25.

A corrected version of the story is below:

US Postal Service plans to issue Hesburgh stamp next year

The U.S. Postal Service plans to issue a stamp honoring the late Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, who served 35 years as president of the University of Notre Dame until retiring in 1987

SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) - The U.S. Postal Service plans to issue a stamp honoring the late Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, who served 35 years as president of the University of Notre Dame until retiring in 1987.

The Postal Service announced Tuesday it will issue the stamp on Sept. 1, 2017. The stamp will feature an image of Hesburgh standing on the Notre Dame campus, with the Golden Dome of the Main Building visible behind him.

Hesburgh died last year at the age of 97.

He was a founding member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission in 1957 and joined hands with Martin Luther King Jr. at a 1964 rally in Chicago. He is best known for transforming Notre Dame into a school known as much for academics as football.

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