
Trump should know amendment is safe

I am writing in support of Khizr Kahn and his wife. Their son has made the ultimate sacrifice to our county when he was kill in action while serving his country in the U.S. military.

Mr. Kahn was dead right when he questioned whether Donald Trump has even read the U.S. Constitution. I agree with Mr. Kahn that Donald Trump has not read it.

I make this claim based on Mr. Trump's own assertion that Hillary Clinton is going to abolish the Second amendment. Anyone who has actually read the U.S. Constitution should know that no one person can abolish an amendment. Not Hillary Clinton. Not the president of the United States. No one person.

If Trump has read the U.S. Constitution, he should know that to abolish an amendment, a new amendment needs to be adopted. This amendment would state that it is repealing a previous amendment.

In order to adopt a new amendment, the proposed amendment needs to be accepted by two-thirds of the U.S. Senate and by two-thirds of the U.S. House of Representatives. The president does not need to sign off on this. In fact, the president is not at all involved in the process.

Once the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives have accepted the proposed amendment, it needs to be ratified by three-fourths of the states, which is 38 of our current 50 states. In each state two-thirds of the state Senate members and two-tirds of the state's House members have to agree to accept the proposed amendment.

Only after this long process will an amendment to repeal a previous amendment be adopted. The odds of the Second Amendment ever being repealed are minuscule.

So my conclusion is that Donald Trump has either not read the U.S., Constitution or is just a baldfaced liar. Which is it?

Ron McGregor

Vernon Hills

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