
An apology to our children

As an embarrassed Baby Boomer, I would like to offer my sincere apology to "The Greatest Generation" for the massive damage we have caused to the magnificent country that they left in our care.

Our parents left us the most powerful and most prosperous nation in the history of the world which brought freedom to over a billion people in Europe and Asia.

They created the "American Manufacturing Arsenal of Freedom" that created the largest and most prosperous middle class in history. They created the best education system in the world in which American students were #1 in reading, math, and science. Their families were strong and only 5% of their kids were raised without a father. Due to our decadence, selfishness, apathy, and naiveté; all of that magnificence is in decline.

We shipped millions of manufacturing jobs to China to save a few bucks at Wal-Mart. Our schools have turned into day care centers worried about "micro aggressions" and our kids are 18th, 24th, and 31st in reading, math, and science. 41% of our kids are now raised without fathers which dooms 70% of them to a life of poverty and/or crime.

The evil nations of the world are laughing at us as we have made our Navy smaller than before WWI and our Air Force smaller than it was before World War II.

In addition to all that, we have created a national debt of over $18 trillion dollars which will suffocate our children.

I also apologize to our kids and grandkids because we have turned the amazing nation our parents left us into a disaster that they will have to figure out in very, very dangerous times.

Randy Rossi


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