
Rio pushes back track cycling test event; venue delayed

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) - Olympic organizers in Rio de Janeiro are pushing back a test event in track cycling because the velodrome for the event is running behind schedule.

Organizers said Friday that the test, set for March 18-20, was being rescheduled for April 29-May 1. Organizers said the delay would not affect the event in the Olympics, which run Aug. 5-21.

Rio has faced very few delays building venues, despite getting off to a slow start.

UCI, the governing body of the sport, said in a statement it was "naturally concerned that the velodrome construction in Rio is being further delayed and that the test event has also been delayed as a result."

UCI expressed concern that its athletes had based their training schedules on having a March test event.

"Our priority has to be the riders whose training and preparation schedules have for a long time been set around the Rio Games, relevant test events and the wider global cycling calendar," UCI said.

"It is crucial that all parties work together to ensure the very best conditions for the athletes both ahead of and during the games and guarantee that they compete in world class settings."

In a statement, the Rio organizers said the delay was needed to install the track. This is to begin in February.

The Olympic track event is scheduled for Aug. 11-16, with the Paralympic competition following from Sept. 8-11.

The Rio city government, which is responsible for building the track, said the construction was "not delayed." It said in a statement that the velodrome was planned "to be delivered closer to the games" in order to avoid unspecified maintenance costs.

Rio is beset with many problems, including deep cuts of about $500 million to keep the operating budget balanced. Domestic ticket sales have also been slow as the country wrestles with its worst recession since the 1930s.

President Dilma Rousseff is also fighting off impeachment charges, further taking some focus off South America's first Olympics.


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