
Cellphone use does pose risks

Industry will often compare the safety of their new product to other products already considered safe. Smart meters are often compared to cellphones, despite much evidence that smart meters pose a risk to health, invade one's privacy and are potential fire hazards. Can cellphones be anything other than safe?

Electromagnetic radiation emitted by wireless technologies causes a breakdown in the communication between cells in the body, interrupting DNA repair and weakening tissue and organ function. The public has not been warned, although manufacturers, service providers, government, and scientists have been aware of the hazard for years.

According to the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer), "RF-EMF emissions from wireless phones is carcinogenic to humans and urgent revision is needed of current guidelines for exposure."

With mounting evidence that RF radiation is definitely carcinogenic and the fact that exposure to our population is increasing at an exponential rate, the potential consequences are catastrophic.

It has been speculated that the recent tragic death of "Beau" Biden, the son of Vice-President Biden could have been triggered by excessive cellphone use. What about the effects of cellphone use on children? Compared with adults, research on children shows that microwave radiation is absorbed twice as much into their brain, up to triple in their brain's hippocampus and hypothalamus and up to 10 times as much into the bone marrow of the skull.

Although it is not as well known to the public, Lloyd's of London considers the risk too high to cover claims for illnesses related to RF exposure from cellphone use.

There is a major health crisis coming, probably already under way. Not just cancer, but also learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, autism, and psychological and behavioral problems - all mediated by the same mechanism, Radio Frequency Radiation.

Nancy J. Thorner

Lake Bluff

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