
Organize closets now to make winter easier

Autumn is the perfect time of year to clean house! By now, the kids have been back to school long enough for Mom to begin to breathe easier. The summer heat has lifted, and now is a terrific time to contemplate the creation of some goals for Thanksgiving that have nothing to do with decorating or cooking. Instead, I love to give myself a few organizational challenges to be finished in time for the first family inclusive holiday of the season.

Last year, my goal was to clear out enough room in the garage for my husband to park his vintage convertible. Check! An honest look around my home office today has convinced me that this room is my next task. It is a disgrace! I have stacks and stacks of papers, magazines, books and samples. Some are in attractive baskets and some are tilting in rows on the carpet. My writing projects mix with my client files. Since I will have family staying in this dual-purpose room over the holidays, I have to get busy or pay for a hotel room.

Consider what a total stranger might think if they were to open up your linen closet or the mudroom closet. Would you be embarrassed when boxes fall off the top shelf? What would a guest find in the vanity drawers of your guest bathroom? Bathroom cabinets can get very unpleasant looking with dust, hair and leaking products. Maybe your bedroom closet in your studio apartment is in desperate need of attention. The good news is that there are many off-the-shelf components that are affordable and easy to install. Take an Internet tour of the products offered by The Container Store, IKEA, Kohl's, Home Depot or Lowe's to inspire ideas. Maybe all you need is a dresser to fit under the hanging clothes. Be aware: If you buy the cheapest products, then they will break down quicker. Particleboard dressers are not the sturdiest. This is a perfect application for a gently used piece of solidly built vintage furniture. If you need help to install a system, enlist the aid of a local handyman service or inquire at the store about recommended installers.

The good news is that you can do this sort of cleaning on a rainy or cold, dark day. The bad news is that these hidden storage areas need attention at least once a year. Even if it's just removing everything from the floor of the closet, cleaning thoroughly and bagging up shabby shoes and clothing, you will be pleased with your effort. Be honest about what you need to give away: If you haven't used something in a year, then you do not need the item. Small homes do not have the luxury of eating up valuable space with obsolete items.

You may well discover that you don't need more space; what you need is to respect the space that you already have in your home. If you must rent a storage unit to create functional space, do it. Or consider a sturdy outdoor storage unit instead. I solved my business record storage with two shallow storage sheds that fit flat against the side of my house and are protected under the eaves of the roof. They are only about 30 inches deep and still allow passage down the side of the house. Set a deadline and keep it. Many people experience a seasonal depression as the light shifts and the days get shorter. Combat that mood with a list of chores; gain satisfaction and more room at the same time.

• Christine Brun is a San Diego-based interior designer and the author of "Small Space Living." Send questions and comments to her by email at

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