
Daily Herald CEO: We understand the power to change lives

To our readers:

Those of us who are longtime Daily Herald staff members understand the power of the Daily Herald in changing lives and in helping to make the community a better place.

It is, after all, the intrinsic value of newspapering.

In my 45 years here, first on the front lines reporting the news to editing the newspaper to management of our company, I have witnessed so many examples of the journalism and personal activism by Daily Herald staffers making a difference in the lives of suburban residents.

In today's special edition, The Newspaper Partnership ­- a Conduit For the Community - you will read about the subjects of their stories, of their hopes and dreams come true because of the positive impact a newspaper can have on the way we live.

But it is our readers who make the real difference, responding to those in need, neighbor helping neighbor.

And it is those readers, because they care, who in the end help make our communities better places.

I hope you will enjoy reading our stories and reflections and that these chronicles of the best of us will transform the way we all live.

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National Newspaper Week 2015

This is the 75th anniversary of National Newspaper Week. The theme of the Oct. 4-10 week is underscoring the impact of newspapers to communities large and small.

This article is a part of that series. For more stories on the Daily Herald, see <a href=""></a>

Follow stories from other newspapers on Twitter with #nnw15

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