
Daily Herald helps drive suburban commerce

Newspapers put people in the community together in so many ways.

Newspapers foster good will within the community but also help to drive commerce.

The Daily Herald's advertising department has worked with countless business clients over the past 100 years to help them grow.

New business announcements, sales, new product launches and, more recently, news about events fill our pages every day. This helps you decide where to shop, who to hire and how to find a job.

The evolution of newspaper advertising has accelerated during the past decade, and our team of advertising specialists working with local business owners are no longer selling just newspaper ads. This team is now equipped to handle special printing projects, direct mail, websites, email marketing, custom events and sponsored content, among others.

We partner with businesses like never before to add value to our relationships and help business people accomplish their goals, such as growing the bottom line and building market share.

These businesses are a part of our communities, and we strive to be a part of their valued inner circle of trusted consultants. By entrenching our teams in the communities we serve through the local chambers of commerce and countless volunteer organizations, we look for opportunities to not only help businesses grow but to improve the communities we serve.

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National Newspaper Week 2015

This is the 75th anniversary of National Newspaper Week. The theme of the Oct. 4-10 week is underscoring the impact of newspapers to communities large and small.

This article is a part of that series. For more stories on the Daily Herald, see <a href=""></a>

Follow stories from other newspapers on Twitter with #nnw15

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