
Enchilada dish brings back flavorful memories of trip

If you speak Spanish (which I don't) or have ever spent any time in a Spanish-speaking culture, you will surely get a chuckle out of today's story. Over 20 years ago, while on a weeklong mission trip to Mexico, I encountered my first experience with a "failure to communicate." I had my phrase book and had picked up the most important phrases for safety at our job.

But at the worksite, someone was always bringing food, making a snack in an open-air kitchen and generally taking care of us. One afternoon, a sweet girl of no more than 10 brought me what looked like an enchilada wrapped in a sliver of aluminum foil. I recognized a corn tortilla, but the rest was a beautiful mishmash of ingredients lost on all but the cook. I had seen her and her mother simmering a stew over an open flame earlier in the day.

"Caliente?" I asked, proud of my dictionary skills and new word.

She shyly answered with a shake of her head, no. So I bit into the heavenly fragrant, tortilla-wrapped goodness with all the gusto of a starving hog.

No ... caliente it was not. But, oh my heavens, was it picante!

I had no idea Spanish had two different words for temperature: hot and spicy-hot. But I've never made that mistake again. Now I can't think about enchiladas without the details of that story traipsing through my mind. Even though I was never able to determine what I ate that day, when my taste buds returned to normal, I was able to tell it was delicious and mysteriously wonderful. The corn tortilla was no more than a handy way to eat at a worksite where tables, forks and plates have no place.

Much milder and easier is today's recipe for Simple Bean and Cheese Enchiladas. Use corn tortillas for a heartier texture and any salsa for added flavor. Look for traditional vegetarian refried beans with just pintos, water and salt for the healthiest version possible. Enjoy!


Simple Bean and Cheese Enchiladas

Today's simple bean and cheese enchiladas use corn tortillas for a heartier texture and any salsa for added flavor.
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