
Rockland First-Grade Readers Celebrate with Balloon Launch

To celebrate reading, Rockland first-graders held a massive and colorful helium balloon launch on May 22 at the Libertyville school.

The launch actually celebrates that more than 48 first-graders have learned to read by the end of this school year. During the event, the students form a circle, release the balloons and then regroup in the circle.

''The balloon launch is an annual Rockland tradition that signifies each child becoming a part of the Rockland circle of readers," said first-grade teacher Katie Nyland.

"Every student in second grade and above has now been a part of the reader's circle at Rockland," added teacher Cheryl Crenshaw.

Jenae DeRue commented, "I am excited to be part of this 17-year tradition."

Before a student can release a balloon, they each must read aloud to Principal Jeff Knapp.

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