
Letter: Why stop at gambling?

I agree with our new leader, Gov. Rauner and the current and archaic Democratic leadership when it comes to keeping an open mind toward gambling in Chitown. I heard on the news tonight that what they are considering would possibly be the largest casino in Illinois, bigger than many in Las Vegas. Why not? If you are going to do it, go all out!

But I still think we are missing the boat, and I'm not talking some lame riverboat. I say go for the big-time casino as only Chicago can do it, but why stop there? Imagine how much money the state of Illinois and Chicago could make if they legalized prostitution? Create a legal prostitution zone around the casino and put a 35% tax on every trick. You could sell prostitution licenses. That would raise some money to help balance the budget. It's not about dignity, it's about dough.

How about opium dens? Why not? Put a tax on it. Double the parking rates for sin garages. Collect the dough. You could make even more money if you had meth nights, a free rock if you gamble at Chicago's swankiest casino. Put Chicago's finest in charge of keeping things "clean."

Let's face it folks. Our state is in dire straits. We MUST keep an open mind. If that means throwing people (who shouldn't be gambling anyway) to the curb when they lose, and watching women sell their bodies for the good of the Land of Lincoln, hey it's all for the common good.

Do me a favor though. If we are going to do this, let's go all In. Let the drugs, the booze, and the women flow, and let's make the state of Illinois something we can, once again, all be proud of.

Scott Frillman


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