
Cheap shot at firefighters, women

Cheap shot at firefighters, women

William Hicks' letter to the editor March 13 is an insult to the intelligence and judgment of Carpentersville residents.

By implication Mr. Hicks reasons that only businessmen are capable of representing Carpentersville residents. By denigrating candidate Sara Miller solely as the "wife of a firefighter," he flexes his chauvinistic pecs with confidence that only a businessman is capable of helping Carpentersville's economic growth.

FYI, Mr. Hicks, Mrs. Miller is a businesswoman who is every bit as qualified and concerned about the village's new business opportunities and opportunities, not only on Route 25 and 31, but throughout Carpentersville.

Mr. Hicks' attacks on the integrity of firefighter Chris Scholl's candidacy is equally imprudent. Because Mr. Scholl serves the village as a firefighter, William Hicks erroneously infers that his only agenda is his own paycheck.

By the way, Mr. Hicks, where does it say (as you did in your letter) that a village trustee who also happens to be a first responder cannot recuse himself from a vote or declare a potential conflict? In either case, he has stated publicly he would do so.

The kind of contemptible campaign tactics pushed by Mr. Hicks are the very reasons that people like Chris Scholl and Sara Miller get involved in their community. It's candidates like Miller and Scholl, people with integrity and community concern, who deserve a voice on our village board.

Your comments, Mr. Hicks, were out of bounds.

Richard A. Nieves


IAFF Local 4790


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