
Inflated prices of cancer drugs shameful

I have for years been appalled at the fact that Medicare is not able to negotiate drug costs with the drug companies. My information indicates that the United States citizen is forced to spend substantially more money on prescription drugs than almost any other country on the globe. To my way of thinking, this is insanity.

The recent "60 Minutes" segment on cancer drug costs brought out the fact that the drug company involved created a new cancer drug, almost identical to an older drug, and priced it at double the already exorbitant cost. The new drug was offered to the doctors at a rebated price of $6,000 but left the cancer patient cost at $11,000 - obviously a blatant rape of the consumer at a very vulnerable point. Shameful.

There is a lot happening in this country that makes little if any sense to a person of logic. But this greedy, baldfaced ripoff of prescription drug patients must be stopped immediately. There is no justification for such behavior, nor for the politicians accepting lobbyist money for their votes.

Susanne Heron

Arlington Heights

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