
This riddle is hard to figure out

President Obama is not only the first African-American president but as president, he is also the titular head of the Democrat Party. As the party's leader, would it not be incumbent on fellow Democrats running for office to have the president actively campaigning for them?

Appearing with them. Fundraising for them, while they were also at the same events as the president.

What we are hearing during the final stretches of the midterm campaigning is that Democrats don't want to be seen with the President Obama nor do they want him to come to their states or districts, with the exception of Illinois, which has embraced the president's presence on numerous occasions.

Riddle me this: Republicans have been vilified for not supporting the president's agenda. They're even called racist and obstructionists. How is it that Democrats are running as fast as they can from the policies that Republicans are deemed bigoted and racist for being against but are not being labeled for their aversion as their Republican opponents are? Is it not also racist and bigoted not to be seen on the same stage/fundraiser as the president?

Now there's a riddle for you.

Steve Sarich
