
Yes, it's time to change course in Illinois

Your endorsement of Bruce Rauner and the logic that you used to defend it made my day. Hopefully the overwhelming logic of your statement "Illinois cannot continue on the rutted and misguided path it has stumbled along for the past decade" will resonate with a majority of Illinois voters.

Albert Einstein also defended your position when he said, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Forget politics and personal attacks. The fact is that under almost five years of Pat Quinn and 10 years of Democrat control of the governor's office; Illinois continues to be one of the most bankrupt and corrupt states in the union with the worst jobs recovery in the Midwest as jobs flee our state to more business-friendly states.

It is time for a change.

Rauner may not be perfect, but as you say, "who could be?"

And the endless attacks on Rauner for being successful and wealthy are simply nuts. As the letter to the editor below your endorsement reminded us; JFK, FDR, and Teddy Roosevelt were all very wealthy men yet they are viewed by history as very good presidents.

Electing a successful Republican businessman and executive that "is an outsider with no accumulated political debt" reflects impeccable logic in a politically corrupt state that is bankrupt.

It is time to change course Illinois!

Randy Rossi
