
Tavern Day brings 1800s back to life in Glen Ellyn

Visitors to Glen Ellyn on Sunday had a chance to experience what life in the suburb was like more than 100 years ago during the 16th annual Tavern Day sponsored by the Glen Ellyn Historical Society.

The event, held at Stacy's Tavern Museum, included log sawing, simulated cow milking on a plastic version of the a dairy cow and other displays of late 1800s life. Visitors also were able to try their hand at writing with a feather quill pen, roping a bed, and candle and rope making.

Kids could try games from the era, including a ring toss and a cloth pin drop, and try their hands at crafts like corn host dolls and needlepoint. For entertainment, there was storytelling and traditional music and songs that would have been played in the late 19th century, when Stacy's was a hub of activity in the Glen Ellyn area.

Jane Rio, interim director for the historical society, called the event "truly a family day."

"It is an amazing day and there are interesting things for everyone" she said.

  Katie Finan, 9, of Glen Ellyn hangs up laundry to dry Sunday after washing it by hand in a wash tube while attending the Glen Ellyn Historical Society's annual Tavern Day at Stacy's Tavern. The tavern once was a hub of activity in the Glen Ellyn area. Mark Black/
  Ben and Caroline Sallas of Glen Ellyn try their hand at sawing logs Sunday at the Glen Ellyn Historical Society's annual Tavern Day at Stacy's Tavern. The annual event recreates life in the late 1800s. Mark Black/
  Bill Morris and Jean Spyksma of Glen Ellyn entertain visitors Sunday with music from the late 1800s during Glen Ellyn Historical Society's annual Tavern Days at Stacy's Tavern. The tavern once was a hub of activity in the Glen Ellyn area. Mark Black/
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