
President's critics unfairly labeled racist

Being of only average intelligence, it took me a long time to realize that a black Democrat should never be president of the United States. Before I explain why I came to this conclusion, I assure you that I am not a bigot or a racist. Born Jewish and growing up in the 1930s, I was a recipient of blatant bigotry (such as being called hateful slurs and being exposed to signs in Lake Geneva that stated, "Jews and dogs keep off the grass") and the legal restriction of employment of Jewish people to a single digit percentage. And how about those golf courses and county clubs that restricted membership to white gentiles?

I would never inflict such poison on another group of people. Getting back to the subject of why a black Democrat should not be president: If such a person takes a position the opposition feels is wrong, or if he runs his administration in such a way that results in less-than-good consequences and is criticized by the Republican opposition and there is no logical defense of the president's actions, his critics are labeled racists. In other words, anything less than praise is racist. This has been the case with our current chief executive.

Incidentally, my choice for the next president is Dr. Ben Carson, a black Republican, and I would bet my house against a short beer that if he were president, Republicans would not accuse his detractors of being racists. They are above that sort of nonsense. I rest my case.

Gene Maril

Arlington Heights

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