
World's attention needed on kidnapping

It has been all over the news that about a month ago, 276 Nigerian schoolgirls were captured by the terrorist regime Boko Haram. In this situation, here are the two main issues: the fact that the Nigerian government cannot get the girls back, and that the Boko Haram kidnappers are trying to convert the religion of the girls.

Many of the schoolgirls are from the northeastern town of Chibok, which is a largely Christian community. However, evidence also suggests the girls are being forced to convert their religion.

The main goal of the Boko Haram is to establish a pure Islamic state. Being here in America, we do not experience the kind of injustice these girls are facing. The First Amendment guarantees our right to freedom of religion. So, it is difficult for us to fathom the fact that their religion, something that is central to their identity, is being forcibly "taken away" from them by this terrorist regime, and is being replaced by a religion that they think is superior to Christianity.

These girls need worldwide help to be rescued, since the failure of Nigeria's government and military to rescue them has brought international outrage. America has announced its willingness to help get these girls back home.

In the best interest of the Nigerian people in turmoil, the Nigerian government should take the hand of the U.S. in order to rescue these girls.

Bryanna Howard
