
The case against immigration amnesty

With time running out before the November midterm elections, liberal, progressive and globalist leaders in both parties are once again pushing for a mass amnesty of the 12 million to 20 million illegal immigrants living in the United States.

Despite claims made by President Obama that deportations have increased, agents are reportedly on pace this year to remove the fewest number since he took office.

Two often-overlooked aspects of why granting amnesty is an insane idea are chain migration and anchor babies. With chain migration, if up to 20 million aliens get backdoor amnesty, through reunification programs, they could bring in an estimated 30 million to 45 million relatives.

Regarding anchor babies, the practice of pregnant women entering the country illegally, or becoming pregnant while visiting and giving birth, accounts for 10 percent of the current birthrate in the entire U.S.

Legalizing over 8 million illegal foreign workers would devastate the U.S. workforce when real unemployment is much higher than the 6.3 percent concocted unemployment that the American people have been duped into believing.

Taxpayers spend about $113 billion per year on illegal immigrants (education, medication, incarceration, welfare, etc.). Consider further burdens on our already-ailing federal, state, and local government budgets and economies if Social Security and Medicare eligibility is added.

Why does Congress want to discriminate against American citizens? Why should millions of foreign nationals be allowed into our country when we have millions of Americans out of work?

Republicans favoring amnesty have visions of gaining Hispanic voters, while having a steady stream of cheap labor to please its business lobby. Democrats have no reason not to believe that they will reap millions of more Democratic voters and in the process render impotent the Republican Party.

Nancy J. Thorner

Lake Bluff