
If the U.S. can’t run the post office ...

If the U.S. can’t run the post office ...

The May 26 letter writer Mary Warren from Wheaton should look a bit closer at Obamacare when she states: “GOP sabotage of health care shameful.” Her claim that both houses of Congress passed Obamacare is true.

However, unlike previous major legislation such as Social Security and Medicare, which received solid support from both Republicans and Democrats, not a single Republican in the House or Senate voted for Obamacare. Ramming through something as colossal as Obamacare without bipartisan support is unprecedented.

Democratic Senators from Louisiana (Mary Landrieu) and Nebraska (Ben Nelson) each received millions of dollars in “aid” from the federal government in order to earn their votes. The now-retired Ben Nelson was recently quoted as wishing he never voted for Obamacare. (Thanks Ben).

Then-Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi famously quipped: “We need to pass this bill (Obamacare) before we read it.” How crazy is that? Obama promises of “You can keep your doctor,” “You can keep your current plan” and “costs will go down” are all now proving to be false. The Constitition-stomping IRS is hiring 16,000 more auditors to keep track of this pending train wreck.

And lastly, look at the U.S. Postal Service as an example just how bad Big Government is at running things. In 2012, the Postal Service reported a record $15.9 billion loss. The government cannot run a post office efficiently. What makes you think they can run 20 percent of the U.S. economy?

Bob Carlson


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