
Media hit new low in reporting on Boston

“Tragic, despicable, deplorable.” These are some of the words used to describe the most recent Boston massacre. They are also the same words that can be applied to a hostile, hyperpartisan media with contempt for a majority of American citizens whose only “sin” is that they refuse to drink the leftist Kool-Aid. Newsrooms across the country were hoping and praying that blame can be somehow attached to a kook who can be tarred as in some way connected to the right. David Axelrod confirmed his former boss’s first thought was that it was tax day. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof linked the explosions to the GOP. MSNBC’s Luke Russert immediately tweeted connections to Waco while his former associate Cenk Uyger opined (what else?) “racism.”

To all Mao’s little media minions out there, we have not forgotten how you tried to pin Tucson on Sarah Palin. We see your appalling lack of curiosity about the ATF gun-walking assault weapons to Mexico or murders in Bengazi. We scratch our heads while hundreds die in “gun free” Chicago and you look elsewhere.

Here’s some advice from fellow liberal Bill Moyers: “There is no more important struggle for American democracy than insuring a diverse, independent and free media.” Where is it to be found today? While terrorists massacre the innocent in Boston, our media massacres the truth on the alter of their own agenda. Tragic, despicable and deplorable indeed.

Steve Quick

Arlington Heights

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