
It's time, indeed, to build PhilHaven

What a thoughtful, incisive editorial! It is, indeed, time for Wheeling to move forward and approve the building of PhilHaven. As the mother of a mentally ill daughter, I have driven thousands of miles (literally) to social service agencies, institutions, hospitals and group homes in the last 30 years.

None of them were in our home suburb and none of them were in neighboring suburbs. Some were in Chicago, others in neighboring counties. For the last 10 years, she has been living in a “group home” in Skokie.

As an aging parent, we are grateful that she has achieved semi-independence in a stable environment. Staff is present when the residents return from daytime activities, ADLs are supervised, and medical needs are met as needed. A van is provided by the agency and, in our daughter's case, public transportation is also available. (Incidentally, PACE has a route --#234 — that travels Hintz Road regularly.)

Judge John Z. Lee clearly understands the situation in Wheeling regarding PhilHaven and the attitude of the village board. He bought some time for Wheeling by not granting Daveri's request for an injunction. Now it is time for the Village of Wheeling to recognize the need for this building and approve its construction.

Patricia D. Herrmann

Arlington Heights

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