
Please put Zyck on the library board

I want to encourage you to vote for Greg Zyck for the Arlington Heights Library Board. The reasons are simple. He wants to be of help to the community.

Currently he serves on the Housing Commission for the village. In the past he has been a member of the Ivy Hill PTA as its legislation chairman and school board rep. Greg was the Cubmaster of Pack 468 and he volunteered his time to the children of our community as a coach.

All these were ways that allowed him to give back to the community. Now he wants to serve the community in helping our library continue to be one of the strongest in the nation.

Greg wants to make sure that our library keeps up with all the advances of the cyber world that benefit us all. He wants us all to know about and use the many services that the library has to offer. He wants it to be a safe place for our kids to gather and learn and grow.

Please vote for Greg Zyck for the Arlington Heights Library Board.

Florian Wasik

Arlington Heights

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