
Maureen Lewis: Candidate Profile

St. Charles City Council Ward 5 (4-year Term) (Republican)

Note: Answers provided have not been edited for grammar, misspellings or typos. In some instances, candidate claims that could not be immediately verified have been omitted. Jump to:BioKey IssuesQA Bio City: St. CharlesWebsite: Candidate did not respond.Office sought: St. Charles City Council Ward 5 (4-year Term)Age: 64Family: Husband: Philip Lewis, married 44 years Four adult children: Seth (Bhavna) Lewis, Jennifer Crossen Michael(Kim)Lewis, JJ(Katelyn)Lewis. Eight grandchildren, six living in St. Charles.Occupation: Owner/Operator Art's Cool, a ceramic painting studio downtown St. Charles 1999-2004 Patient Service Representative Cadence Physician Group Cardiology, Geneva,IL 2005-2012. Retired June 2012Education: Lincoln and Munhall Grade School St.Charles, Illinois Hanies Junior High St.Charles, Illinois George E. Thompson High School St.Charles, Illinois 1967Civic involvement: Member: 708 Mental Health Board since 2003 City of St.Charles Member: Business Development and Education Committee Downtown St.Charles Partnership. Past member Public Art, and Marketing Promotion committees Downtown St. Charles Partnership. Member St. Patrick Parish, Flower, Funeral Lunch and Prime Timers ministries.Elected offices held: City Council, St. Charles, IL Appointed December 2010 Elected April 2011Have you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain: NoCandidate's Key Issues Key Issue 1 Competent Leadership: City government is the government closest to the people and has the biggest impact on their daily lives. As city leaders, we are charged with leaving St. Charles a better place than we found it. Constituents should be confident that each of their elected officials is a trustworthy person, who has high integrity, and possesses a moral compass pointed in the right direction. My two years of service to the city are a testament to these beliefs, as are my proactive efforts in receiving the International City Management Association (ICMA) certification credentials for "Building an Ethical Culture" and the State of Illinois Open Meetings Act certification credentials for an Illinois City Official.Key Issue 2 Quality of Life: St. Charles currently enjoys a high quality of life. We are fortunate to have city services delivered in a timely and efficient manner. Our infrastructure continues to be maintained and upgraded, and our police and fire departments are state of the art. The question is, how will we sustain this quality of life in an affordable manner? What core municipal functions should St. Charles provide and at what cost to residents? There tends to be a lot of talk about cutting city taxes, but perhaps it is time for municipal tax reform. Should we continue managing cutbacks or rethink the work of cities and what we pay for? This is the conversation that needs to occur between elected officials, city staff, and residents.Key Issue 3 Vision: When I joined the City Council, I brought with me a vision to build the Red Gate Bridge, which I'm pleased to say became a reality in December 2012. Elected officials and candidates often talk about what we need to do and what we must do, but very rarely have the vision to see their claims to fruition. The Red Gate Bridge is only one example of the forethought I bring to the position of Alderman and the subsequent support I drum up to see it through. In short, I am an Alderman who walks her talk!Questions Answers Under what circumstances, if any, should financial incentives, including TIF districts, be used to lure residential and commercial development to the city?Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) is currently quite popular among bodies of government and considered by some to be financially advantageous. However, it is my opinion St.Charles is sufficiently invested in TIF's at this time. If a company has the potential to create a plethora of beneficial, well-paying jobs and significant revenue for the city of St. Charles, I am all ears and would duly consider a financial incentive or sales tax abatement for that company.What is the future of Charlestowne Mall as you see it? Would you support the use of eminent domain by the city to gain control of the property?The Charlestowne Mall offers an opportunity to the citizens of St.Charles to create a vibrant center for shopping, entertainment, and socialization. It was previously a central hub of activity on the east side of our community, but most importantly, it can be once again. The city of St. Charles is invested in the successful evolution of the mall. The city constructed the Red Gate Bridge, which will contribute to the area's accessibility via the Northwest quadrant and surrounding area. More will need to be done, so I would support a cost-share effort with the owners of the mall to seek alternatives. Eminent domain is not an alternative that I would support: It is very costly and not the most appropriate use of tax dollars.Are you comfortable with the mix of taverns and the conduct of their patrons in downtown St. Charles?If you are asking me if I like the public intoxication, public urination, fighting, and vomit on our city sidewalks, then of course, my answer is no. If you are asking me if I like to see residents enjoying a social event with friends, having a nice dinner at one of our restaurants, enjoying some entertainment, or simply being part of our downtown ambiance, the answer is yes.What aspects must a redevelopment of the old St. Charles Mall property include? Would you support any level of residential development on that property?I continue to believe the site is ideal for a campus development of one or more of the three primary growth industries in Illinois: services, education and medical. I will support development promoting any or all three of these industries. Examples could include a satellite campus for a college or university or the expansion of the existing office buildings and medical office complex. Growing these business enterprises will aid in establishing sustainable, well-paying jobs in the Fifth Ward. There is space for supporting some retail but not enough capacity for big-box retailers. I do not support the construction of apartments or high-density residential. The property is currently an eyesore and needs to be improved.Talking with your friends and neighbors, what seems to be their biggest public safety concern? Explain the concern as you see it, and discuss how you think it should be addressed.Friends and neighbors often express to me their concerns about the alcohol- and drug-related problems in our community. As Alderman, I review an incident report on a daily basis of occurrences in St. Charles, and their concern would be correct: There are far too many alcohol- and drug-related incidences. In order to address these concerns, we need to focus our attention on these areas and be proactive in our oversight and regulation. After all, public safety is the result of community awareness, proactive planning, and effective application of city resources in conjunction with the comprehensive thinking of elected officials, city leaders, and residents.