
Talk with the Editor: We're improving the video we offer

One of the thrilling opportunities the digital age offers for journalism is the ability to tell stories with more than simply pictures and printed words.

This is not particularly new. For years, we've added video coverage to the mix of storytelling we do on — sometimes poignant, sometimes descriptive, sometimes entertaining, sometimes useful. It's a tool that's growing in importance in local news coverage.

Today, we're taking a major step forward with video.

We've launched a major initiative to do more of it.

Our newsroom is going to be producing more, but we're also going to be bringing more of it from other venues.

And we've made changes to the way we design and present the news on and on our mobile apps so that the video will be much easier to find and much easier to use.

Jeff Knox, our senior director of photography, is one of the people in the newsroom leading this movement.

“Video is a powerful complement to the stories and photos you see every day,” Knox says. “It allows you see and hear the subjects our reporters write about. We're all very excited about the impact our multimedia will have on the suburban stories we produce.”

We've attached here a sampling of some of the videos we produce on a regular basis — Moving Picture, Cook of the Week, Football Focus, the Suburbs' Best Teachers as well as some spot news. Elsewhere online today you'll see video heralding the start of our Fittest Loser contest, something from the Chicago Auto Show for Marni Pyke's In Transit column and the best of the Grammys from last night.

It's our goal to cover the suburbs better than anyone else, and that includes doing better video, too.

Thank you, as always, for reading.

(We encourage you to talk with the editor by joining the Facebook conversation on today's column. We want a provocative discussion but one that also abides by general rules of civility ... Please also consider friending John on Facebook by searching John Lampinen Daily Herald and following him on Twitter @DHJohnLampinen.)

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