
Indoctrination starts in college

It was very fascinating to me that in trying to decode the election results I noticed that Mitt Romney did very well with white people that had high school diplomas, but not nearly as well with white people that had college degrees. In fact, the more college education, the more likely you voted for Obama.

It struck me because you would think that the more college you have, the more likely you would be wealthy and therefore the more likely you would vote for Romney. But even though Romney did well with the higher-income folks, he did not do well with college graduates.

What about going to college, with all other things being equal, makes you more likely to vote for Obama? For now, let’s discount the knee-jerk reactions that college makes you smarter or that in college you learn to examine an argument, and are therefore more equipped to analyze and measure issues.

The only other thing I can think of is that college somehow makes people more liberal — no matter what their background. But how could it do that?

What if colleges were full of liberal, radical and Marxist professors that were taking the blank canvas of vulnerable young people and making their arguments and not telling both sides of the story? Could these liberal professors make such an impression on these young people that they become liberals for their whole lives?

I think that is the answer. They are being taught by Marxists who indoctrinate them that capitalism is evil and it is stacked against them and this indoctrination lasts a long time — in some cases a lifetime.

John Behof


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