
Obama putting America on track

Obviously, your Republican readers were as shellshocked as Gov. Romney was on election night. Why the surprise? Anyone who was paying attention to the major polls knew that President Obama was ahead in almost all of the swing states and was also ahead in voter attitudes about who related best to the average person, who would better handle the economy, jobs, foreign affairs, etc. and that the President was predicted to win around 300 electoral votes.

Those who live in the bubble known as Fox News heard the exact opposite. This is not a news organization, but rather is an arm of the Republican Party, complete with all their talking points and slanted polls from their “expert” Dick Morris who was dead wrong on every prediction he made.

As every thinking American knows, President Obama has improved every facet of life in our country, from job creation and educational advancements to equal pay for women and equal opportunities for gays and minorities plus rising home values and stock markets, as well as a long-overdue overhaul of our overpriced and underperforming health care system.

Even the multimillion dollar smear campaign orchestrated by Karl Rove could not cover up President Obama’s accomplishments.

Now that the country is headed in the right direction, the president can focus on resolving the Republican-driven “fiscal cliff” and debt crises by following the Democratic principles that created the budget surplus that we enjoyed during the Clinton years.

Yes, America will be well-served over the next four years under President Obama, and the eight years after that, when Hillary takes over. And the Republican Party will be shellshocked once again.

Ken Konecnik


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