
Better off now? Not even close

I thought I would take this opportunity to publicly express how fortunate I am to be living in a Democratic-controlled state where I can benefit from the desires of the president to be looking out for the middle class. How fortunate I am that my property tax has only increased $3,000 over the past three years. Imagine what it would be without this security blanket.

I am also grateful that the assessed value of my home has gone down and my real estate and state income tax have increased. There is even talk that my pension may be reduced. And forget about interest on my CD’s that I once could depend on to pay some of my expenses.

Several years ago I was expressing to a District 214 engineer that it was getting to be a burden to pay my property tax. Fortunately for me he gave me some good advice. ”Mr. Frank, what you probably should do is either downsize or move.”

With luck, if President Obama gets re-elected I will be able to practice my charity and fight the “war against women” by paying for their birth control and abortions. Should Jan Schakowsky win the 9th Congressional District we can be assured that she will continue her previous policies. Planned Parenthood will continue and another million unborn babies will lose their right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Sometimes we just don’t know how lucky we are.

Walter Frank

Arlington Heights

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