
More likely to be killed by doctor?

More likely to be killed by doctor?

The tragedy in Aurora, Colo. is unfathomable. So is the political hay being made by the left on this regarding gun control. According to the American Medical Association, 290 people per day are killed by FDA approved drugs.

The Journal of American Medicince, JAMA, Vol. 284, July 24, 2000, authored by Dr. Barbara Starfield, of Johns Hopkins states a dozen years ago there were 106,000 deaths per year, or a full jumbo jet crashing every day, or an Aurora Colo. theater shooting every hour of every day, each day of the year.

A study in Death by Medicine, concluded 786,936 people die each year from FDA approved drugs or other approved procedures. With all due respect to the wonderful, self-sacrificing doctors, and some people at Big Pharma who are well-intentioned, you are 6,200 percent more likely to be killed by your doctor than a homicidal maniac.

Any outcry from the left on big government and the drug industry, which is demonstrably six thousand, two hundred times worse?

Could it be, as former gun control advocate turned gun rights supporter Dr. John Lott of Univ. of Chicago maintains, in his eponymous book More Guns, Less Crime, that we are safer with more guns? Certainly, a single trained concealed carry theatregoer in Colorado or Wisconsin would have put an end to the rampage much earlier, with significantly less loss of life.

As a matter of fact, Gun Owners of America cites statistics indicating guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense, or around 80 times a day including 200,000 women a year using guns to defend themselves against sexual abuse. As a matter of fact, as of 2008, armed citizens killed more violent bad guys than the police (1,527 vs. 606).

Jim Vanne


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