
Social Security problems are real

How ironic that in the same issue that the Daily Herald published Sen. Durbin’s head-in-the-sand (It’s worked for 80 years what can go wrong?) support of the current Social Security program in Fence Post the front page featured an Associated Press headline, “Social Security under siege.”

This article informed us that since 2010 “Social Security has been paying out more in benefits than it collects”. It carried a warning that the current Social Security surplus will be gone by 2033 if not sooner.

Anyone who doesn’t grasp the shift in Social Security funding should get a pencil and paper. Draw a triangle. Label the base line, “Baby Boomers”. During the 1960s, this large working base was supporting the small tip at the top who were retirees. Now flip the diagram upside down and the baby boomers are on top and your children and grandchildren are at the small bottom. How long will this last?

Sen. Durbin, if you care about preserving Social Security and Medicare join with Paul Ryan and work toward a realistic solution.

Andrew Ertmanis


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