
President insulted hard workers

President Obama, ever the class warrior, receiver of untold free opportunities, position and wealth that he did not earn, insinuates that business owners and high income earners are the beneficiaries of someone else’s hard work with a dash of benevolent government.

My wife and I fit into the category of American Obama likes to vilify. But unlike him, we both came from families where our parents stayed together, both worked and paid the family’s way. All we children worked during high school and continued to work after graduating, and we became really good, committed workers. Along the way our dream developed.

Our hard work and willingness to delay gratification eventually paid off. But, no one greased the tracks or opened any doors for us. We received no SBA loans, no student loans, no HUD loans, and no family loans.

It came with a price. By the time we decided to start a family, it was too late. Later when we sold and retired in our early 50s, we realized we had no hobbies and no recreational skills, and how could we? We were too busy working and building our business. We often joke that the day someone figures out how the 1 percent can buy time from the under-motivated you will see the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world.

Obama is supposed to be president of all Americans, yet he has made a career making inflammatory comments that divide us. For Obama to paint what is arguably the hardest working sector of the U.S. economic machine, business owners and professionals, as miserly, greedy cheats is shameful. It should make every American with a dream for his or her family very suspicious and for that reason alone, he has to be sent back to Chicago this November.

Chris Margarites

Hawthorn Woods

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