
Follow science, Bible on homosexuality

I do not begrudge homosexuals, but when it comes to believing the behavior is a “new normal,” or gay marriage is a civil right, I am a nonconformist. I do not believe these edicts because they are not based on reason or science and are apostate from the Bible.

In school I learned from sources written by medical professionals that homosexuality is psychological. No one has proved differently, so the medical explanations make more sense to me than what Cher or Barney Frank say. In the Army I observed homosexuals who seemed to prove exactly the clinical understanding. While no one maligned them, what I saw were extremely conflicted people, unable to adapt a warrior ethos, and become effective leaders taken seriously. I believe that the Bible says the same, and that Leviticus describes intrinsically disordered behavior. Consider:

Ÿ There is no scientific proof people are born homosexual; it is not like race.

Ÿ The public has been fed emotional PR that touts homosexuality is normal, not science.

Ÿ Homosexual activists use litigation and insults to silence opposing viewpoints, not science.

Ÿ Some homosexuals seek psychiatric treatment and some always will.

Ÿ The media never question the popular view or presents any science on homosexuality. Ÿ The Bible is clear and unambiguous that homosexuality is behavioral.

No court decisions, and no wave of anti-Christianism, will convince me ignoring 2,000-plus years of wisdom is anything less than absurd. Equally absurd is to suppose calling someone a “homophobe” means anything more than an insult and inability to reason. I will not be bullied into believing something untrue or go against the scriptures because someone does not like them. I don’t tell homosexuals what to think, so homosexual activists should not tell me to stop thinking critically or ignore God.

Harold Knudsen

Arlington Heights

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