
Holder fails to learn from mistakes

With President Obama’s claim of executive privilege, the administration’s Fast and Furious fiasco has now become big news. It has been referred to as the most shameful, botched, preventable domestic operation of our government since Bill Clinton’s Attorney General Janet Reno managed to burn down a building in Waco with almost 100 men, women and children trapped inside. Eric Holder’s equally regrettable fiasco so far appears to have resulted in the deaths of U.S. border agent Brian Terry and uncounted Hispanics on both sides of the U.S./Mexican border. What is amazing to me is that Holder was involved in both operations.

How is it that these incompetent types keep popping up again and again in Democrat administrations? They do not seem to be able to learn from their mistakes. Holder has been involved in numerous missteps while serving Obama and the American people. Why is he still in office?

Kelley C. Smith

Long Grove

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