
Marine’s family organizes care packages for troops

Treats, toiletries and other comfort items were mailed recently to almost 200 U.S. Marines on the front lines in Afghanistan, thanks to community volunteers.

The families of Marine Lance Cpl. James Stack, an Arlington Heights resident who was killed in the line of duty in 2010, organized the recent drive and want to thank everyone who contributed.

A new drive to benefit men and women of all service branches will be announced soon, said Dawn Hedrick, James Stack’s mother-in-law.

Girl and Boy Scouts and others helped with the sorting and packing, and the Arlington Heights American Legion Post 208 pitched in toward shipping costs, which totaled $2,232. Many people from the area donated items, she said.

A new list of popular things will be issued soon, and it will be important to only donate small, travel sizes that service people can carry in their backpacks, said Hedrick.

Anyone interested in helping with this project can email

Volunteers packed boxes to send to U.S. Marines in Afghanistan. Courtesy of Stack, Hedrick families
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