
Quotes from former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich

Quotes from former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Wednesday:

In the lobby of Chicago federal court, after the sentencing:

“For Patti and I, and especially me, this is a time to be strong. This is a time to fight through adversity.”

“This is a time for me to be strong for my children, be strong for Patti and this is also a time for Patti and me to get home so we can explain to our kids, our babies, Amy and Annie what happened, what all this means, and where we’re going from here.”

“We’re going to keep fighting on through this adversity.”

In court, to federal Judge James Zagel prior to sentencing:

“I’m here convicted of crimes. The jury decided that I was convicted and I am accepting of it. I acknowledge it and, of course, I am unbelievably sorry for it.”

“I never set out to break the law. I never set out to cross lines.”

“I caused it all. I’m not blaming anybody. I was the governor and I should have known better and I am just so incredibly sorry.”

“My life is ruined, at least now. My political career is over. I can’t be a lawyer any more. We can’t afford the home we live in. We’re trying to sell it.”

“I realize that the things I thought were permissible, the jury has made abundantly clear were not.”

“It’s a lot worse because we have our kids and because of what I’ve brought on to my family”

“I have nobody to blame but myself”

“My children have had to suffer. I’ve ruined their innocence.”

“I would hope you can find some mercy and take into consideration all the things that you’ve heard.”

Quotes, reaction from Blagojevich sentencing

Facts about prison life awaiting Blagojevich

Quotes from Judge James Zagel on Blagojevich

Support, doubts greet stiff Blagojevich sentence

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