
District 204 may cash in on business deal

Indian Prairie District 204 could earn royalties through a business partnership with a software company that will allow the district to manage its curriculum through a customized computer system.

A company called SchoolTOWN is working with the district to create an e-sharing system that will put curriculum into a digital repository, making it easier to access, sort and modify. Currently curriculum materials are distributed to teachers in thick, three-ring binders that have proved to be cumbersome to update. At this week’s school board meeting, staff members displayed a hefty binder, at least a half-foot thick containing the fourth-grade math curriculum. Changes are made by pulling out old papers and inserting new curriculum sheets.

Under the new system, officials expect teachers will have an easier time accessing curriculum and sharing lesson plans. The computer system is expected to be available districtwide this fall.

At the same time, District 204 will provide an endorsement for SchoolTOWN as it markets the product. The company also will use the district’s new math and language arts curriculum which is based on Common Core standards that have been adopted by many states, including Illinois. If other schools use District 204 materials, the district could receive royalties.

“They have the expertise with the content, the software content. We have the expertise with curriculum and Common Core,” said Jay Strang, assistant superintendent. “It’s a pretty sharp deal.” He said the district could have paid from $150,000 to $350,000 for similar software that it will be getting for free. “This is very unique in the world of education to start doing these kinds of partnerships,” Superintendent Kathy Birkett said. “I think we will see more of them.”

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