
President’s jobs plan stirs enthusiasm

As a voter living in Mundelein for the past two years, I am proud to support President Obama’s jobs plan. Despite the millions of unemployed Americans, my congressional representative, Joe Walsh, didn’t see fit to attend the president’s speech Sept. 8. In fact, he even remarked that the fact the president was going to make this speech was “idiotic” a full week in advance. I write today to ask Mr. Walsh: what is idiotic about a plan that helps the Illinois households receive about $1,640 more in tax cuts? There is nothing idiotic about a plan that provides over $1 billion dollars to ensure that rapid responders, like firefighters and police, and teachers in Illinois still have jobs? I for one am enthusiastic about the prospect of adding up to $200 million in the next fiscal year for Illinois’ community colleges. Perhaps Mr. Walsh’s comments would be easier to swallow had he shown up, like most members of Congress on both sides of the aisle did, to hear what President Obama had to say. The president has presented a clear plan to help those who need it most, including countless Illinois citizens. I think it’s time we all ask Rep. Walsh why he didn’t feel a plan with so many benefits to his own constituents wasn’t worth his time.

Ron Roberti
